Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cheering my way into the first two hours of Dewey's Read-a-thon

It's 3:40 PM on my side of the World (Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris time zone). 
Kicked off this April's read-a-thon with a bit of cheering on other's blogs. 
Now...I'm going to dedicate my time to reading. 
See you in the next hour. 

Currently reading: The Axiom Esti by Odysseus Elytis
Books finished: -
Pages read: 32
Running total of pages read: 32
Amount of time spent reading: 20 minutes
Running total of time spent reading: 20 minutes
Snacks: Pizza and lemonade. 


  1. Hi there,

    Good luck with the reading. I have read a bit myself the first to hours, so now I'm the one cheering. :)
