Saturday, April 21, 2012

Read-a-thon challenge: book sentence

As I accompany Dante down into the Inferno, I took up On the Wings of Books's challenge to make a book sentence. Basically, take three or more books and create a sentence with their book titles, like so:

Hush, hush the maze runner Lolita let it rain coffee.

Happy readings.


  1. Haha!! I love the sentense!! creativity rules the world! ;) :D <3

    1. Thank you! And I know, creativity definitely rules <3 I'm having too much fun with this 24 hour read-a-thon. I hope your day is going well! :)

  2. Love the sentence! Thanks for participating. I've been planning on reading The Maze Runner forever.

  3. I definitely recommend The Maze Runner, I picked it up because my friend read the whole series and told me how amazing it was. Thank you :)
