Saturday, April 26, 2014

For HOUR 14

Currently reading: A Game of Thrones
Books finished: - 
Pages read: 119
Running total of pages read: 191
Amount of time spent reading: 3 hours
Running total of time spent reading: 3 hours and 40 minutes. 
Snacks: water


  1. We can do it, we can do it
    We can read a lot of books
    We can make it through the readathon
    It’s easy peasy, really

    [Cinderella WorkSong]

  2. Tick-Tack.. Tick-Tack.. Tick-Tack..

    Time is slowly moving
    Soon it will be gone
    But memories will stay
    After readathon is done

    Hang in there.. 2 hours to go!!
